Air & Ocean Shipment Tracking

One clear view of all your shipments

Track your worldwide shipments on a single platform to reduce delays and increase supply chain flexibility.

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One clear view of all your shipments

All the data you need, in one place

With one independent overview of your air and ocean freight shipments, you can use insights to reduce the impact of delays and get the flexibility to choose freight forwarders without compromising visibility.

PO & SKU tracking

Follow your SKUs from factory floor to customer door

Track your SKUs on Moddule as they travel from the part of origin to your warehouses around the world, and form your warehouses to the customer door, regardless of what carriers you use.

Auto SKU & PO tracking

Easily tag shipments for end-to-end visibility.

Flexible tagging

Tag how you like to match your own workflows.

Predicted arrival times

Use AI-powered data to see delays before they happen

Our data combines vessel GIS position, live part congestion, weather information and historical data to give you more accurate milestone information than what you receive from your freight forwarder.

Customer focused

Use data insights to improve your operations

Minimize disruptions

Avoid demurrage and detention costs.

Use AI-powered data to see delays before they happen

Shipment overview

Track all your shipments on one user friendly platform

Get real-time updates on all your shipments on one easy-to-use interface, real-time alerts when issues arise and information anyone in your organization can understand, regardless of shipping term.

Smarter data

Use reliable data, independent of logistics providers.

Shared access view

Share access with people within your organization or externally.

Extensive network coverage

Follow all air and ocean shipments regardless of carrier

Find data on all your shipments regardless of port by using just the container number or air waybill, with extensive coverage of 120+ ocean freight carriers and 170+ airlines.

Uniform insights

Get comparable data on all your shipments, regardless of carrier or shipping term.

Minimize disruptions

Our network covers almost all shipments worldwide.

Extensive network coverage
Accurate CO2 tracking

Accurate CO2 tracking

Measure your carbon footprint with data you can trust

Access the most accurate carbon emissions data in the market today through Moddule, and quickly generate CO2 emissions reports for all your ocean shipments at once.


Methodology accredited by the SFC

International standards

Data compliant with GLEC framework

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the predicted data work?

Our partners provide world-class data generated by AI analytics, which takes into account vessel GIS location, live port congestion and current weather conditions to deliver predictive times that are more accurate than what you get from your logistics partners. This means that you will receive information about anticipated delays before they happen, allowing you to proactively mitigate disruptions.

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Where can I track shipments to and from?

With the Starter plan, you can track shipments of air and ocean freight from any point of origin to destination, this can typically be the port of origin to the port of destination. If you would like to track your shipments across the supply chain, take a look at our plans page for information on our Professional plan.

How often can I receive air and ocean freight updates?

You’ll get updates through the platform every 2 hours for both air and ocean freight shipments.

Are there additional charges for the number of shipments tracked?

If you would like to track more than 20 shipments per month, you can add more to your subscription. Check out our plans page for more information.

How quickly can I start tracking shipments?

You can start tracking your air and ocean shipments immediately after sign up and completely free of charge during the 30-day free trial.

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Am I dependant on my logistics provider’s tracking system when using Moddule?

No, Moddule’s shipment tracking functionality is completely independent from any logistics providers and shipping companies.

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Start your free trial now

Get a 30-day free trial for shipment visibility, with no contracts and no long-term commitments.

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Simply fill out our sign up form with your company details to get started.

No credit card needed

We don’t ask for credit card details for the free trial, so you can get started straight away.

No commitment

Simply fill out our sign up form with your company details to get started.